grain boundary effect中文什么意思

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  1. The electronic - ceramic capacitive - type sensor for coi is based on the nanometer and semiconductor theories . according to the mechanism of the gas surface absorbing actions and the mechanism of grain boundary effect of semiconductors , the capacitance of the sensor can be changed with the variation of co2 concentration
    Co _ 2气敏陶瓷电容型传感器将纳米理论和半导化理论引入了传感器的研制过程中,这种传感器通过气体表面吸附,及在半导体介质的晶界层产生的晶界效应,使得不同浓度co _ 2气体产生不同的电容值。
  2. The ionic conductivities of lsgm enhanced with the measuring temperature . based on the results of electrical measurements , the relative contribution of the grain interior and grin boundaries to the overall resistance was discussed in detail in relation with the grain boundary effect and mg doping contents . the grain boundary effect decreased monotonously with the increase of mg doping in the range of testing temperature
    在相同测试温度下, lsgm体系离子电导率随着镁含量的增加而增大,在y = 0 . 2时达到最大值,此后电导率随镁含量的增加而降低;在测试温度范围内,所有lsgm样品的离子电导率均随温度的升高而增加。


  1. grain boundary cracks 什么意思
  2. grain boundary density 什么意思
  3. grain boundary diffusion 什么意思
  4. grain boundary dislocation 什么意思
  5. grain boundary displacement 什么意思
  6. grain boundary eutectic 什么意思
  7. grain boundary eutectics 什么意思
  8. grain boundary ferrite 什么意思
  9. grain boundary fracture 什么意思
  10. grain boundary fracturing 什么意思


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